One reader says opposition to more housing developments isn't due to Not In My Back Yard mentality but a desire to preserve a way of life. What do you think?

So my local MP Liz Truss labels us as 'nimbys' because we don't want our surrounding green field to be turned into housing estates.

Maybe she has forgotten who elected her and who she is supposed to represent. People in rural South West Norfolk choose to live in villages, with their quiet rural lifestyle, rather than in towns cheek by jowl with people.

I have lived just outside East Harling for 46 years and chose to buy my present house because it gave me the rural tranquillity I wanted and I could look out of my bedroom windows in the morning and see fields.

In recent months an application was made to build 67 houses on the field opposite my house which has been farmed by the applicant's family for generations and is some three-quarters of a mile from the village centre.

It caused a furore in the village (which already has 16 housing estates) with some 140 families taking to the Breckland Council planning site to object: The outcome at the planning meeting in Dereham last week was to reject the application by a large majority which restored my faith in the planners.

No Liz Truss we are not nimbys, we are people who choose a certain life style and who are you to say that should be taken away from us?

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