One reader thinks we should stop importing European cars to the UK. Do you agree?

It is rich for Germany, France and Italy, to commence proceedings against the UK regarding air quality when it is the abundance of their polluting cars that are the cause of such deathly pollution that kills 40,000 UK citizens.

One could argue they are part of this criminal offence in killing and compromising the health of another EU state's citizens. It is true the UK is not stopping the problem quickly enough, but here is the fastest way of dealing with the issue of NOx emissions — stop importing German, French and Italian cars and trucks — immediately.

A blanket ban on all diesels with immediate effect and a subsequent ban on all petrol cars with more than 100gms of CO2 will cut our UK emissions drastically and, furthermore, comply with current EU legislation.

Do you agree with Stuart? Let us know in the comments below or write to us at