Homeowners in north Norfolk have been reassured that a chlorine smell they are reporting emitting from their cold water tap is completely safe.

Residents of Cromer and Aylmerton reported that their drinking water had a distinctly chemical smell.

However Anglian Water have confirmed this water has just reached homes more quickly and so is relatively fresher than normal.

A spokesman explained: 'We pump out more water when more people are consuming it, in the summer for example.

'However because of a leak or air block we have, it seems to our systems as though more is being cosnumed. As a result, water is being pumped out more quickly and as reaching homes faster than it normally would.'

The spokesman continued: 'The water is completely safe, we use the chlorine to keep it fresh in the pipes and we have not changed how much we add.

'Some people are more sensitive to chlorine which is why they could notice a difference, but others would not.'

The spokesman added: 'To get rid of a chlorinated taste, just put the water in a jug and chill it in the fridge. This should get rid of the taste.'

Anglian Water are also working hard to get 40 homes without water since the weekend back to normal.

The homes are without water due to a small air pocket or leak in the system, and due to the homes being on high ground the current water pressure is not enough to reach consumers.

The spokesman added: 'We have supplied these homes with bottled water and will put on any extra services to fill their needs.'